Overseas Partners

Become an Overseas Partner

Personal Information

Name (First/Last):   

Home Address:  


Postal Code:  


Home Phone (include country and city codes):  

Business Phone:  

*E-mail Address:  

Are you representing yourself or an organization?  

(if not a business, please disregard the next section.

Organization Represented

Organization name:  

Business address:  


Postal Code:  


Business phone (include country and city codes):  

Business FAX (include country and city codes):  

Web Site:  

Type of organization (check all that apply):  
(hold down the ctrl button to select multiple values

If other:

Types of programs offered (check all that apply)
(hold down the ctrl button select multiple values

If other, please describe:  

Is your organization organized as a non-profit agency?  

Number of years in business:  

Current or most recent U.S. partner (leave blank if none):  

Reason for interest in changing partners:  

Is your program able to place American high school students in host families?  

Recognizing that S.A.I. offers only semester and year academic homestay programs for high school students between the ages of 15-18 years, would you like a package of informational materials sent to you?

If yes, would you prefer the materials to be sent to your home or business address?




Want to be an Exchange Student?
Student Trips

SAI relies on local contacts across the United States for placement, supervision and direct contact with all of our students, host families and schools.

Our Representatives

Our Student American International representatives provide ongoing support for SAI students and their host families, and as such, are key to the SAI support network.

Renee Nebraska Experience: 12 years Fun, easy going, entertaining, positive, energetic, loveable.
Sharon Arkansas Experience: 25+ years Talkative, open minded, helpful, philanthropic, involved heavily in the community.

View all our Representatives

Our Students

Meet our students and decide if you'll be the loving host family to bring the world closer together for an exchange student.

View our students
