Outbound Programs

SAI is proud to offer the following outbound exchange programs:
Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway South Korean, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, and Turkey. If you would like to review information about a particular country, click here.

Click here to view our Outbound Brochure.

Each exchange can be for one semester (5 months) or one academic year (10 months). Each program will include a screened and selected host family, a high school acceptance and a local person involved in the daily supervision of each exchange student. Deadlines for acceptance to the program is April. Deadline for acceptance of second semester students is October. Student applications can be found on our website.

Cost for the program is $6000 USD $500 is non- refundable registration fee once the student has been accepted, for the academic year program. And $4500 for the semester program, $500 is non- refundable registration fee once the student has been accepted.

Program fees include:

  • Host family selection
  • High School Placement
  • Local Representative in place for supervision
  • Student Visa forms
  • Medical and Accident Insurance
  • Pre-Arrival Orientation and Post Departure Orientation

Qualifications for participation:

  • Must be between the ages of 15 - 18 years old and be a legitimate student, who has not graduated from High School already.
  • Command of the language of the country you are traveling to
  • Must have at least a "C" or better in each academic course
  • Must have emotional and intellectual maturity
  • The student must have sufficient financial resources to pay for their own personal expenses: books, personal hygiene expenses, phone calls, leisure time expenses
  • Student must be flexible and willing to adapt to another life and country. Natural parents must be willing to work within in the guidelines established by the program and understand that contact will be limited to no more than 2 times per month unless there is an emergency.

Students must purchase their own airline ticket separately in accordance with program start and end dates. Students must have a ticket with an end-date, open ended tickets are not acceptable. Each student ticket must be flexible enough that they can change the date in the event of an emergency or student termination from the program.

The purpose of the program is to submerse the student in a new language and culture and hope they learn how to make independent and responsible decisions. Host families are unpaid volunteers. Students should respect them and follow household rules at all times. This is not a travel program, but an academic program. School participation is obligatory.

Should you be interested in additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly by phone 1-(800) 639-0564, by e-mail: info@studentamericaninternational.com or by fax 843-650-2206.

Want to be an Exchange Student?
Student Trips

SAI relies on local contacts across the United States for placement, supervision and direct contact with all of our students, host families and schools.

Our Representatives

Our Student American International representatives provide ongoing support for SAI students and their host families, and as such, are key to the SAI support network.

Sharon Arkansas Experience: 25+ years Talkative, open minded, helpful, philanthropic, involved heavily in the community.
Terri Nebraska Experience: 25+ years There is no one that has more knowledge of the exchange programs, students feelings and host parent relations.

View all our Representatives

Our Students

Meet our students and decide if you'll be the loving host family to bring the world closer together for an exchange student.

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