SAI Rules

Respecting and following the host family's rule.
The host family establishes household rules including chores, curfew hours and appropriate phone/Internet usage. By state and federal law viewing pornography is forbidden and can lead to disciplinary action including termination from the program. Limit international phone calls to a reasonable number 1 per week at the beginning/1-2 per month later. Students making or receiving too many international phone calls do not adequately adjust to their American social environment.

No illegal drugs including marijuana.
If sufficient evidence is brought to the attention of SAI that a student is using illegal drugs, the student may be required to submit to a drug test. Any proven use of illegal drugs will result in immediate termination from the program and return home.

No drinking and /or purchasing of alcoholic beverages.
The purchase of and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under the age of 21 is a violation of U. S. law and ground for immediate termination from the program.

No smoking.
All states in the U.S. have laws that prohibit minors from buying and/or smoking cigarettes. Due to this and the fact that smoking is considered culturally unacceptable by most hosts parents. SAI has a strict no-smoking rule for their students.

No driving of motor vehicles unless enrolled in an accredited Driver Education Program.
Students, including those who have obtained a driver's license, will less not be allowed to drive any motor vehicles during the complete program year.

No "life changes" while in the U. S.
This includes: changing religion, getting married, becoming pregnant, causing a pregnancy and profound alterations of appearance such as tattoos, body piercing, cosmetic surgery and dying the hair an unnatural color (such as green, purple or blue).

Following local, state and federal laws and regulations.
Students must comply with all local, state and federal laws. Claiming ignorance is not considered a valid defense against breaking the law.

Obtaining written permission before traveling.
Students must obtain written permission from their natural parents and host parents if they want to travel. Further; the area representative must be informed of the travel plans a minimum of three weeks ahead of departure. Travel without adult supervision, either alone or with a group, is forbidden. Students should not miss school to travel, the only exception being trips sponsored by the high school.

Following the high schools code of conduct and student guidelines.
No matter how students feel about the rules set forth by the high school, they are to be followed. A student is a guest in his/her high school, which requires exemplary behavior. Students with persistent disciplinary problems mayget dismissed from their high school. SAI is under no obligation to place a student in a new high school if he/her is dismissed from his/her original school. In such case, the student will be terminated from the program and sent home.

Regular attendance of school, maintenance of at least a "C" average in every class, participation in school activities.
Students must attend school every day unless they are ill. They must maintain a grade of "C" in ALL classes. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Visits of natural Parents/Friends/Relatives and students temporary home return.
Natural parents, friends and relatives from abroad may visit the student at the end of the program, ONLY. Students are not allowed to return home temporarily at any time during the program, except for the death or imminent death of a family member.

Paid jobs.
Students can only accept non-competitive employment such as baby-sitting and lawn mowing not to exceed 10 hours a week.

Student's change of medical status before departure from the U.S.
If there is a change in medical status since the student applied to the program, your agent must be notified immediately.

No changing homes.
A student may not change homes unless a SAI local contact approves the move. Please discuss all issues first with your host family and if that doesn't work, with your local contact then your Regional Director or the National Office. A student CANNOT under any circumstances make the decision to move.

We expect ALL students to dress in proper clothing for the United States and their host communities.

Dress code is much more conservatitve in the USA. Here is an example of unacceptable clothing and or accessories:

  • Thong underwear that can be seen by someone other than the wearer.
  • Skin tight pants, shirts or sweaters
  • Shirts or sweaters that show the stomach or midriff.
  • Halter tops or shirts with no sleeves or straps
  • Obscene t-shirts
  • Skirts and shorts that are shorter than where your fingertips touch your leg.
  • Be sure to check with your local high school for additional dress code rules.

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Student Trips

SAI relies on local contacts across the United States for placement, supervision and direct contact with all of our students, host families and schools.

Our Representatives

Our Student American International representatives provide ongoing support for SAI students and their host families, and as such, are key to the SAI support network.

Terri Nebraska Experience: 25+ years There is no one that has more knowledge of the exchange programs, students feelings and host parent relations.
Barb Nebraska Experience: 15+ Years Barb works with SAI in Nebraska for over 15 years plus she has many more years in exchange.

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